Here are some articles about East Montpelier subjects of interest –
Audrey Lafirira –
#1 Audrey’s Tales.
in 2001 Jennifer Boyer spent hours on the phone with Audrey Daniels Lafirira during Covid, gathering small and large memories of her 90 year long life in East Montpelier and Calais. She had an amazing memory and sense of humor. Her Gray, Daniels, Burnham, Page and Lafirira relatives were part of many interesting pieces of local history. Click here for the essay.
East Montpelier FARMS LIST
The Farms List lists farm locations in town with info starting in the 1800s: Link: FARMS LIST updated 10/25/2021. You can read the PDF on your computer or print it out. It’s about 13 pages.
Addendum to Across the Onion
Here is the link to one of our new projects: Addendum to Across the Onion updated 9/15/2021. It’s about 11 pages. It clarifies locations in the book (which references 1983 house owners – not always helpful 40 years later) by using 911 addresses. You can buy copies of Across the Onion at the Town Clerk’ office. It’s a real treasure. Checkers so far for these 2 projects: Audrey Lafirira, Paul Cate, Fred Strong, Jean Ormsbee, Joanne Bair, Bruce Chapell, Nancy Cresswell, Andy Christiansen, Mo and Barbara Brown, Paulie Coburn, Joanne Bair, Eliott and Sherwood Morse, Nathan Phillips, Lyn Blackwell, and more.
An Airfield of Dreams in East Montpelier
When World War II ended in 1945, hundreds of young pilots came home to pick up their lives. They were full of enthusiasm and convinced that flying was the future; “An airplane in every garage,” as the saying went at the time. The Serviceman’s Readjustment Act, known as the “GI Bill,” provided money to start businesses and to further education. Among the things it paid for was flight training. So, in 1946, ex fighter pilot, Gordon Robinson, and his father-in-law Peter Lemieux bought the old fair ground site in East Montpelier and started the Fairmont Flying Service. Click here for PDF of entire article.

North Montpelier 1890s
Water and Wool – North Montpelier Woolen Mill
Ralph Nading Hill says in The Winooski, Heart way of Vermont the Kingsbury Branch (one of 7 main tributaries feeding the Winooski River) drains the country up around Calais and Woodbury. A pioneer named Kingsbury fished in it a great deal and always referred to it as “his branch.” His neighbors agreed. Click here for PDF of entire article.
The Pedal Powered Poet – Walter J. Coates of North Montpelier
“On our desk lies a little magazine called “Driftwind” and beside it a telegram. The magazine has a wallpaper cover with parrots on the front and, on the back of it, the printed words ‘18 cents a single roll’ and ‘use Pyramid Dry Paste.’ It contains an essay on democracy and thirty-nine short poems. The telegram informs us that we can call on its editor no more.” Click here for PDF of entire article.

Charles Dudley
This announcement appeared in the Boston Sunday Herald –
Village to have two days of song
C. F. Dudley Will Conduct Cowan’s Cantata, “The Rose Maiden,” and Home Talent Will Sing.
Star Soloist and the Whittier Orchestra to Aid in Making Occasion Memorable.
[Special Dispatch to the (Boston) Sunday Herald.]
East Montpelier, Vt., Jan 19, 1907
Click here for a PDF of the entire article.
The East Montpelier Music Convention – Charles F. Dudley
The East Montpelier Musical Convention was started in eighteen ninety-eight and continued until nineteen twenty-nine. These conventions were conceived, managed and conducted by Charles F. Dudley.
The convention was held in January and tradition has it that it was always held on the full of the moon. This was probably true since it would make night travel easier. Also, at that time of year, they didn’t interfere with haying, sugaring or any other of the necessary occupations of living. Click here for PDF of entire article.
East Montpelier in the Civil War
On April 12, 1861, Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumpter in Charleston harbor. This followed several months of action by South Carolina and other southern states to vote to seceed from the Union and establish the Confederate States of America. The attack precipitated the American Civil War and prompted President Lincoln, on April 15, to call Congress into session and issue a call to the states for militia to restore the Union. A telegram was sent to His Excellency, Erastus Fairbanks, Governor of Vt. for one regiment for immediate service. Governor Fairbanks called the legislature into emergency session and it quickly voted to respond to the President’s call and muster the militia and ask for volunteers for service.
One of the first East Montpelier residents to volunteer was Joseph Hill, on 1 June, 1861. Dwight Kelton tried to enlist on the same day but was rejected for being under age. He later served in a New York regiment. In all, some 136 men were credited as coming from East Montpelier. Click here for more on E Montpelier soldiers. Click here for more info on Vermont in the Civil War.
William Wallace Noyes – Civil War soldier and Medal of Honor Awardee
William Noyes received the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1892. His citation reads:
Rank and organization: Private, Company F, 2d Vermont Infantry. Place and date: At Spotsylvania, Va., 12May1864. Entered service at: Montpelier, Vt. Birth: Montpelier, Vt. Date of issue: 22 March 1892. Citation: Standing upon the top of the breastworks, deliberately took aim and fired no less than 15 shots into the enemy’s lines, but a few yards away.
Click here for more info on Vermont in the Civil War.